
Students in KU TPE take courses from the KU undergraduate course catalog that aligns with their career interests alongside their KU undergraduate peers. They:

  • Take a minimum of 24 credit hours(about 6 credit hours/semester).
  • Enroll in both required and elective courses as outlined in the TPE Certificate Program of Study (DOCX)
  • Receive the KU Transition to Postsecondary Education Certificate.
  • Participate fully in all aspects of KU graduation activities.
Info graphic showing 96% of TPE students take inclusive coursework hours vs. 61% of other similar programs across the country.
KU TPE’s percentage of inclusive coursework versus other TPSIDs. Data from: [Year Five Annual Report of the TPSID Model Demonstration Projects (2019-2020)]. Think College.

Academic supports & resources

Students in KU TPE have a variety of individualized academic supports and resources:

  • Accommodations and coursework adaptations as needed
  • Access to the KU Academic Achievement and Access Center and the KU Writing Center
  • Peer study groups 
  • Weekly support from KU TPE’s Academic Advisor and Academic Coaches

Key program documents

The documents below provide more details about program permissions and expectations.