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KU TPE is an inclusive college certificate program for young adults with intellectual disabilities. Forty students have been KU Jayhawks through TPE since 2016. Will you be next?
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Our latest news
KU Transition to Postsecondary Education Awarded Grant from National Community Care Corps
The University of Kansas Transition to Postsecondary Education (KU TPE) announces that it was selected by the Community Care Corps to receive funds for volunteers assisting local family caregivers, older adults, and adults with disabilities in Lawrence, Kansas. The amount of the grant totals nearly $125,000 for the period of...
KU announces Transition to Postsecondary Education program meetings for students with intellectual disabilities
LAWRENCE — The University of Kansas Transition to Postsecondary Education program (KU TPE) is hosting “Jayhawk Night” informational meetings in several cities and via Zoom over the next several weeks. Students with intellectual or developmental disability (IDD) and their families are invited to attend to learn about the program and...